Prof. Meltem Müftüler-Baç is Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Professor of International Relations at Sabancı University. She received her Ph.D. in Political Science and International Relations from Temple University in 1992. Before joining Sabancı University, she served as Assistant and later Associate Professor at Bilkent University from 1992 to 2002. She has held visiting positions at the University of Chicago, Stockholm University, and the University of Pennsylvania.
Prof. Müftüler-Baç is the author of Turkey’s Relations with a Changing Europe (Manchester University Press, 1997), Turkey and the European Union Relations: Dilemmas, Opportunities and Constraints (Lexington Books, 2008), and Diverging Pathways: Turkey and the European Union (Budrich Publishers, 2016). She has also co-edited the Research Handbook on Parliamentary Cooperation and Diplomacy in EU External Relations (Edward Elgar, 2019). Her work includes over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and 23 book chapters, with significant contributions to European integration, Turkish foreign policy, and international relations.
Prof. Müftüler-Baç has received numerous awards, including the Jean Monnet Professor ad personam title in 2004 and two awards from the Turkish Academy of Sciences. She is also an active participant in EU-funded collaborative research projects.