Furkan Kaya Associate Professor, Yeditepe University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Furkan Kaya born in Yalova in 1985, completed his high school education at Fevziye Mektepleri Foundation (FMV) Ayazağa Işık High School, followed by a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Relations at Yeditepe University. After completing his master’s and PhD studies at Yeditepe University’s Department of Political Science and International Relations, he began teaching as an Assistant Professor at the Department of History at Yeditepe University. A founding member of the Yeditepe University Alumni Association, Dr. Kaya continues to work on Turkish foreign policy, Turkish political life, and energy diplomacy. He has published articles and analyses on Turkish foreign policy in national and international conferences and think tanks, and he also provides commentary on national television channels. He prepares and presents the program “Brifing Saati” (Briefing Hour) on Channel 24. In addition to his books, “Türk Dış Politikasının ve Kıbrıs’ın Zorlu Dönemi” and “Türkiye-İran İlişkileri”, he has edited the books “Sivil Siyasete Dönüş, 12 Eylül’den Çıkış” and “Türkiye’nin Orada Ne İşi Var?.” His book “Türk Dış Politikasının ve Kıbrıs’ın Zorlu Dönemi” received the “Best Book” award at the 8th Yeditepe Dilek Awards, while his book “Türkiye-İran İlişkileri” earned him the Golden Pen of the Year award.