He was born in 1964 in Yozgat-Çekerek. After graduating from the Business Management Department at Çukurova University in 1985, he worked as a research associate at the university. He completed a master’s programme on Manufacturing Engineering and received his MBA in Business Management at the Wayne State University in 1990 in Detroit which is the center of automotive industry in USA. He also received his PhD on Industrial Engineering at the same University and became an expert on aviation and automotive industries. Throughout his stay in the US, he provided process management consultancy services to many companies and conducted many projects as the project leader. He worked in the automotive industry, at the companies such as Ford, General Motors and Chrysler. In these companies, he worked on product development and lean production projects. He provided consultancy services to many public and private sector companies. Moreover, he provided consultancy services to small and medium sized enterprises, including KOSGEB. In some of these companies, he served as Director General, Vice-Chairman and Board Member. During the economic crisis hitting Turkey in early 2000s, he specialized in enterprise-based crisis management, and worked as Vice-Dean and Head of the Business Management Department at Beykent University. He served as Deputy Director General responsible for Strategic Planning and Business Development, Sales and Marketing, Production Planning and Information Technologies, at Türk Hava Yolları (THY). Between 2008-2012, he has brought 5 different joint venture projects to life at THY Teknik A.Ş. in the fields of maintenance & repair, design and manufacturing. He also served as a Steering Committee Member for Turkish-English, Turkish-German and Turkish-Spanish Business Councils at Foreign Economic Relations Board. He performed as the Chairman of the Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency Management (AFAD) between January 2, 2012 and June 19, 2016. Since June 19, 2016, he has been working as the Prime Ministry Undersecretary and he speaks fluent English.